Monday, October 3, 2011

Something Beautiful

I know I've been blogging about the Denton Women's Collective a lot lately, but it's been a very active part of my life for the past year or so. Over the summer, I hosted a meeting and talked about something that is very important to me.

Something beautiful.

Operation Beautiful.

It's a wonderful movement in which women post uplifting post-it notes in places for other women to see. Bathroom mirrors, inside magazines, at the gym, in the airport, in dressing rooms, etc.

At the meeting I hosted, I told the girls about this movement. I gave them each the necessary utensils and asked them to participate. And they did. It was so moving for me to get new pictures from the girls, showing their post-its. I made a collage and sent it to Operation Beautiful founder, Caitlyn. And today, she emailed me. She thanked me for my email and expressed how awesome she thinks we are. And said "It's going up today!"

As if posting the notes on their own wasn't fulfilling enough, seeing OUR post-its on the site filled me with joy. I just hope that the women who saw our notes were positively impacted...and maybe they even posted a note of their own.

And I challenge YOU to give it a try. It really makes you feel good, thinking of the next women who will see your note.

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