Friday, December 23, 2011

Peppermint Platter

Oh, Pinterest. How I love you and your crafty ideas.

This morning, my friend and co-worker Heather greeted me with a smile and "have you seen the peppermint serving tray on Pinterest?"

My eyes grew. I hadn't. But I knew I needed to. I looked it up and saw image after image of these adorable serving trays made of melted peppermints.

So, of course, I had to try it.

I gathered my supplies. All 3 of them. Various peppermints, parchment paper and a cookie sheet. I pre-heated the oven to 350* and starting arranging. (I quickly learned that perfection had to be tossed out the window for this little project.) Once I was happy with the look, I popped it into the oven.

I waited.

And watched.

Once all of the peppermint candies were melted, which took about 10-12 minutes, it was ready.

I did my best to pop the little bubbles that had formed with a toothpick, but candy bubbles are stubborn. Then, I just left it on the counter to cool. It slowly became less sticky as it cooled, but I plan to mod podge it just to seal it before I use it.

I cannot wait to use this on Christmas - I am going to serve my homemade fudge on it!

Give it a try! It's pretty foolproof. :)

1 comment:

  1. I find that using a baking pan with an edge/lip controls the spreading and the finak shape, and turning the pan once or twice results in more even melting and fewer by bubbles 😄
