Friday, September 30, 2011


Has it seriously been over 2 weeks since I last blogged? Oops! Well, have no fear...I'll jump right in and try and make up for it.

As I've discussed a few times, I am a member of a group of amazing women. We are the Denton Women's Collective...and we are bound and determined to make a change in the world of women. Recently, we've taken quite a giant step towards that goal.

Over the summer, we watched a documentary called Finding Kind. You can watch the trailer here. It really talks about how mean girls (and women) can be to each other. How hateful, hurtful, vicious and cruel things can get. Especially in middle and high school. It was SO moving and made such a giant impact on all of us...and we knew we had to get it in front of teenage girls in our community. So we pooled our resources and Brittany took the lead. Well, on Wednesday, we met with many of the administrators and counselors at the high school that many of us went to as well as members of the PTSA and screen the film for them.

And it went SO well! Most of them seemed as affected by it as we were and seemed to agree that the need to show this film was there.

Without saying too much or jinxing anything...I see big, wonderful things coming from that meeting. And if we change just one girl's life it will be totally worth it.

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